Steel Stillman
Steel Stillman
Image Series
"Black Point I"
"Black Point II"
"Incidents (Things)"
"incidents (Interiors)"
Selected Texts & Interviews
"The Reason Why They Open," by Wayne Koestenbaum, from "Analogy," Hassla Books, 2019
"Six Photographs," a story, OSMOS, Summer 2018
Interview by Anne Doran, from Black Point, Hassla Books, 2018
Review of Black Point, The Brooklyn Rail, 2018
Artforum Critic's Pick, 2018
At Carriage Trade, Artnet News, 2017
The Presence of Absence, Hyperallergic, 2015
Interview by Marcia Vetrocq, The Brooklyn Rail, 2014
Incidents: 1969-2014, Photograph Magazine, 2014
On the Photography of Steel Stillman, Division Review, 2013
The Daily Pic, The Daily Beast, 2013
Gorky's Granddaughter Video Interview, 2013
On Other Artists
Bard M.F.A.
Erica Baum
John Beech
Huma Bhabha
Dike Blair
Matthew Brannon
Wayne Gonzales
Wayne Koestenbaum
Leigh Ledare
Judy Linn
Donald Moffett
Carrie Moyer
John Newman
Stephen Prina
R. H. Quaytman
Eileen Quinlan
Amanda Ross-Ho
Nancy Shaver
Amy Siegel
Shelly Silver
Haim Steinbach
Luc Tuymans
Lily van der Stokker
James Welling
B. Wurtz
Mark Van Yetter
"G. 1916"
archival pigment print